About Travel Nurse Contracts

Travel nurse assignments are typically 13 weeks or more. NurseChoice travelers can expect shorter assignments that range from 3-13 weeks, the average being 8 weeks. These project-based contracts include EMR Conversions, natural disasters, new unit openings, unexpected leave of absence by the permanent staff, and flu or vaccine clinics.

The beauty of travel and contract nursing is that nurses can choose their location and job preferences and find a contract that fits their lifestyle and professional development. Frequently, it’s an ideal fit and nurses renew their contracts. Find out how you can extend or renew your nursing contract.

Tips for Extending or Renewing Your Travel Nurse Contract

There are multiple reasons nurses choose to renew contracts. It could be their nursing team, the location, or, as one nurse shared, “I met a boy and love inspired her to renew her contract.

Whatever the reason, here are some tips if you want to extend or renew your contract.

  1. Early bird gets the worm. “The earlier, the better!” shared recruiter Carol S. “If you are considering extending, ask your manager early on so you have the highest chance at getting an extension offer.
  2. Be transparent with your recruiter. Besides letting your recruiter know that you are enjoying your contract at said hospital and want to extend or renew your contract, keep them in the loop about any vacations or time off you may need. They can help work this into the timing of your new contract and if you need to add time off dates into the contract. Some nurses prefer to take a break to visit family or take a short vacation before beginning their extended or renewed contract. Recruiter Olivia C. commented, “The process can be very easy; the key is communication.”
  3. Pay attention to the details. Make sure you consider your housing accommodations for your contract extension dates. If you choose the housing placement option, NurseChoice will cover all of the logistical housing details for you. If you opted for the nursing stipend, be sure to secure your housing for the length of your extended contract.
  4. Bring your friends along. Recruiter Carol S. recommends inviting your nursing friends along for the ride by sending your recruiter any referrals you may have. Plus, referrals can be lucrative.

Fortunately, extending or renewing a travel nurse contract is a relatively easy process as long as the facility has a need for supplemental staff. It is common for a travel nurse to be approached about a contract extension without even asking about it.

If extension isn’t an option

If the current facility cannot extend the travel nurse contract but you would like to stay in the area, do not fret. Your recruiter is here to help and may be able to find you another contract at a nearby facility or at another type of healthcare facility. The earlier the search begins, the more options that are available.

By Cassandra Damascus